If you would like to receive only the Body of Christ, please stop when you reach the first Communion minister and bow your head as a sign of reverence. The minister will say, “The Body of Christ”; and you should reply, “Amen.” We say “Amen” to affirm that we believe that the consecrated host is Jesus’s real Body. You may receive the consecrated host on your tongue or on your hand—the choice is yours because both methods are equally valid and reverent. When receiving the consecrated host on your hand, please open up your hand with your palm upward and flat so that the minister can easily place the consecrated host on your palm. Please do not try to grab the consecrated host with your fingers. Then, as soon as you receive the consecrated host on your hand, please place it in your mouth and consume it in front of the minister. Please do not walk away with the host in your hand; and please do not take the consecrated host back to your seat. Instead, consume it immediately. Then, you may make the sign of the Cross and return to your seat. When receiving the consecrated host on your tongue, please open your mouth and extend your tongue outside of your mouth so that the minister doesn’t have to put his or her fingers into your mouth in order to place the consecrated host on your tongue. And please don’t close your mouth until the minister has withdrawn his or her fingers. |